Full Stack Developer at Icomedias GmbH

from 2018 to 2021 : 3 years


This was a great workspace to work in, it was a great group of senior, mid, and junior team developers. I had the single responsibility for developing the front-end for the admin panel for the customer, managing forms, displaying data, and tools for managing privileges. I wrote tests for the backend API in typescript, we used mocha/chai to test our backend implementation and implemented a CI (continuous integration) system for our backend. If the test would fall, an email would be sent to the core developers. I used React and Sass, using Webpack to create prod/dev bundles, we used Typescript in a majority of the projects. I was a part of the team developing their smart form application and we developed that without a framework, all states and components were developed with pure Typescript and Sass. We build a custom command-line tool for our backend service, for exporting/importing forms in an excel spreadsheet.

I learned a lot from my senior developers, and we build a great product that was used by a lot of companies based in Austria/Germany and even in Australia.

Tech Stack

  • Javascript/Typescript
  • Webpack
  • NodeJS
  • Mocha/Chai
  • ReactJS
  • MaterialJS
  • Docker


Evolving my javascript knowledge from front-end to back-end. Learning everything about Webpack, building prod/dev-ready applications. Developing npm packages and custom command lines. Taking responsibility for delivering great production-ready code. Writing meaningful tests and set up a CI process.